Unless you’re one of the few who have been raised on a Mac since the diaper days, you’ve dealt with buying a new PC and all the software that it comes pre-loaded with (well, unless you’ve bought a high-end workstation from HP or similar companies, those I’ve found to be thankfully free of that junk!). The software shipped on consumer PCs is sometimes helpful, but more often than not, just slows down your computer and becomes an annoyance with pesky popups asking you to upgrade. With the arrival of the Microsoft Store comes ‘Microsoft Signature‘, a fancy way of saying they’ll sell you a computer the way they originally intended. Just the OS, none of the garbage. Well not quite…it does include Zune software, Microsoft Live Essentials, and other software that Microsoft wanted to ship you. So in that respect it’s a lot like what a third-party computer company would sell. However, I do think you’re better off…I’ve seen a lot of crap come from those third party computer companies and dealt with plenty more that wanted to install itself when I’d upgrade my computer. It’s more in line with what Apple does, they provide software that is typically better integrated than third party solutions. Check it out here.
A PC, without the junk