The news of droughts in the West this year has surely escaped none living in the US…and with global warming forecast to increase severity of droughts, and population continuing to grow, we need to take a long, hard look at water usage in this country. The title of the video below, ‘The Drying of America: Too Many People, Too Little Water’ sums it up extremely well. So what can the average citizen do? Well, you can start with reducing household water consumption – replace lawns with xeriscaping and take shorter showers to begin with. That will be a great start…though water consumption of food production will need to be improved, as well as energy production. For example, powering a 60W incandescent lightbulb for a year requires 3,000-6,300 gallons of water (source). Things like fracking put additional strains on an already short water supply. So in summary…things are looking bleak, and you can expect this issue to only get worse in coming years. Don’t be an idiot and plant a new grass lawn!