Espresso in Space

tdyjfjfkPerhaps the greatest problem astronauts face has been solved – Lavazza has designed an espresso machine which the Italian Space Agency intends to send up to the International Space Station!  Astronauts can now enjoy a shot of espresso in the mornings, though due to the microgravity environment, they’ll be forced to sip it from a plastic bag rather than a ceramic cup.  But hey, small price to pay for the ability to drink espresso while enjoying one of the most magnificent views in the solar system!

If Bigelow Aerospace manages to build their space hotel, I wonder how long it’ll be before Starbucks opens up their first orbital coffee shop?


SlowTV for a Fast Plane

British Airways is offering its passengers an unusual in-flight entertainment option: SlowTV.  Specifically, a seven hour long video of a train ride from Bergen to Oslo (Norway).  Boring, yet relaxing and actually a pretty good idea for a long plane flight!  I hadn’t heard of Slow TV before, but if you search YouTube you’ll find quite a bit of this.  My favorite has to be an hour long video of a tropical beach…I’ll embed it below for your viewing enjoyment while I let it play on my second monitor. 🙂

Speaking of going slow, the Kona Brewing Company made a nice commercial about ‘single tasking’, doing just one thing for a change.  I like it!


World Cup soccer

Silly TV networks. Do you really think you can stop cord cutters like me from watching World Cup soccer games live? There are do many workarounds. Today, my preferred solution is to steam it from the BBC’s website over a Cloak VPN connection, on my iPad Air steaming to my AppleTV. Not as complicated as it may sound actually. 😉

Drones to be banned in National Parks

yosemite-vernal-fallsGood news!  The National Park Service issued a new order banning unmanned aircraft from being launched, landed, or operated in all national parks.  Reasons were what you’d expect…concern about disturbing wildlife and bothering other park visitors.  Which raises an interesting point…I think there’s a big market for a quiet unmanned aircraft, something people won’t notice if it’s a couple dozen feet overhead.  A blimp might seem like the obvious answer, but even they need separate propulsion devices which are inherently loud.  Hmm…

(via Techcrunch)

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