Check out the video below of a bionic arm and what a bit difference it can make in one person’s quality of life. Even with relatively simple motions (open, close, rotate), it facilitates things like tying shoes, walking the dog, etc. Cool technology.
Happy Pi Day!
Happy Pi Day, everyone!
Early-warning test for Alzheimer’s is 100% accurate
Researchers at Neurotrack have developed a computer-based cognitive test that can predict, with 100% accuracy, whether someone is likely to develop Alzheimer’s within six years. Being given such advanced warning is a huge benefit, as it opens up possibilities for slowing the onset of this crippling disease. Despite that 100% accuracy claim, it sounds like there IS a bit of uncertainty in the test. If you score below 50, that’s where the 100% chance of Alzheimer’s applies. Score about 67 and you’re in the clear (well, for six years at least). It’s those people who score between 50 and 67 that are in a gray area…I suspect the diagnosis there would be to repeat the test every year. Considering that it’s a fairly simple test to take, I don’t think that would be a big burden at all, just a minor inconvenience and part of growing old. They’re even looking at adapting this test for iPads, something that people could then self-test at home!
You can read more over at Counsel&Heal.
The death of Google Reader
Google Reader is going away! For I don’t know how many years, Reader has been a part of my daily routines and the tool I’ve most used to keep track of approximately one gazillion RSS feeds. As of July 1st, 2013, it will be no more. This also means that my favorite RSS reader for the iPad, Reeder, will no longer work either (it syncs with your Google Reader account).
This feels…weird. It’s hard enough when I go camping in places without cell coverage and can’t keep up with my RSS feeds. Apart from those instances…RSS is a part of my life. I have only a few months to find new solutions for this…yikes! Ok, ok, gotta stop freaking out here…
Fortunately I’m not alone, and have joined a support group for people facing this transition. Just kidding about the support group, but there ARE others out there facing this problem and writing stories about alternatives. I came across this one at Siliconangle (they saw this coming; the article is dated 2/11). NewsBlur sounds the most promising so far, as I need something that’s in sync across browsers AND iOS apps.
In the meantime, I’ve already backed up my Reader data (which thankfully includes starred items) using the Google Takeout tool.
I hate it when people MOVE MY CHEESE… >:<
iSchool pilot program in Idaho using iPads
Paul Elementary School in Idoha is the pilot school in a test by iSchool Campus, which deploys iPads to all teachers and students (there are also more traditional Mac desktops used as part of this system). Lots of schools are incorporating iPads into their curriculum, though I’m not sure any have done so quite to this extent. The feedback from teachers at the school sounds really great, though promotional videos like this usually are. 😉 Check out the video below.
(via Appleinsider)