Just another reminder of how prevalent glyphosate (ingredient in RoundUp) is in our foods….this article talks about how much higher glyphosate levels in breakfast cereals are than what’s recommended for kids. Around 729 parts per billion in Cheerios vs recommended max of 160!
To leave a smaller carbon footprint, choose chicken over beef
Interested in reducing your carbon footprint? Switching from eating beef to eating chicken results in around a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions related to your diet. It’s a quick and easy way to start to make a difference! Read more here:
Microplastics…they’ve made their way into your kitchen now
Microplastics are just what the name implies….tiny bits of plastic from a myriad of sources, like washing fleece material in a washing machine for example. It’s been described as a problem affecting the food chain in oceans, but guess what? Around 90 percent of table salt brands were found to contain these (since I had of our salt comes from the ocean). So, we’re all ingesting these, not just marine life. Unfortunately, no one’s really sure what health risks, of any, this poses. Read this article for more on this:
The health benefits of a plant-based diet
In 2017, I switched to a vegetarian diet…I admit I tried full vegan but found the occasional eggs and real cheese to be hard to give up. I’ll work my way towards 100% plant-based eventually…especially as I keep reading about the various health benefits of such a diet! If you’re curious, check out this link at Forks Over Knives, it’s a great, brief summary of the health reasons for choosing a plant-based diet. It’s really pretty crazy when so many ailments in our lives can be addressed with a simple change in diet…and yes, giving up meat really *is* simple! Well except for eggs and cheese. But if those can at least be minimized, your health will still benefit!
Ice cream sandwiches don’t melt?
Gross TheDenverChannel.com reports on a discovery a local mom stumbled upon. Walmart-brand ice cream sandwiches don’t melt, or rather, they look pretty much solid even after being left out overnight. I bet you can guess why! Yep, it’s not what most people think of as ice cream. To reduce cost, they’ve substituted cord syrup, guar gum, and cellulose gum for the milk-based products we’d normally expect. Yuck.
Read more here: Why don’t ice cream sandwiches melt anymore? – 7NEWS Denver TheDenverChannel.com.