Lithium-sulfer battery promises 4X improvement

lithium-wyomingA new lithium-sulfer battery technology under development promises to prove around four times the energy storage as current lithium ion batteries.  Also, since it doesn’t use a liquid electrolyte, it’s expected to be safer (ie, less flammable) than existing technologies.  It’s in the prototype phase, which usually (for stuff like this) means a couple years from production.

All in all, it sounds remarkable, but what’s really cool is that announcements like this are becoming pretty common…there’s often another new fantastic battery technology mentioned in the news.  It’s an indication that, overall, battery storage is quickly headed to the kind of levels where it’ll be making a big impact on our lives…first with electric cars, and soon with off-the-grid power supplies for houses and the development of ‘micro grids’.  Cool stuff.

(via inhabitat)

Thermoelectric Fabric

david carroll - wake forest universityResearchers have managed to make a flexible, inexpensive energy-producing fabric that can be used in clothing or covering any surface (like inside the walls of your house, as an outer layer to use heat escaping your house).  Traditional thermoelectric devices have been too rigid (and expensive) for this, so this is a pretty big deal.  It’s not that efficient, but it doesn’t need to be when it’s cheap and can cover large areas.  Power production is around one milliwatt per square centimeter, so you might get a watt or two from clothing made with this – but that would go a long ways towards charging your iPhone, for example.  As a bonus feature, it’s piezoactive, meaning that energy is created when the material is flexed.  The first products made from this material might hit the market as soon as next year.

(read more at Business Insider)

Apple’s Data Centers 100% powered by renewable energy

Apple has reached a cool milestone…their data centers, historically facilities of massive power consumption, are now powered by 100% renewable energy!  It has accomplished this by building large solar arrays, building a fuel cell power plant, and also purchasing renewable energy credits from its energy suppliers.  It’s not just good for the environment…the more a company can rely on already-installed solar panels, the more predicable (and lower) operating costs become over the life of those panels.  It just makes good business sense, if you can afford the initial investment.

Abu Dhabi now home to the world’s largest Concentrated Solar Power Plant

shams-1-21-537x331The world’s largest concentrated solar power plant has been switched on in Abu Dhabi recently.  At a cost of about $600 million, it covers almost a square mile and will generate enough electricity to power around 20,000 homes.

Read more at inhabitat.

Don’t expect this ‘world’s largest’ title to last though.  California will soon be home to some mega-plants, each powering around 100,000 homes (though not expected to be operational until 2016).

Small-scale investing in solar

Interested in investing in solar, but at a smaller level than some multi-megawatt facility?  Then check out Mosaic.  I’m not affiliated with them and am not a current investor, but it’s a neat business model that I thought I’d pass along.  They treat your investment like a loan, to fund smaller scale solar energy projects.  Most projects listed are returning 4.5%, so it’s not some get rich quick scheme, but not a bad investment all in all.

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