Gesture-control bracelet

myo_1Gesture based control such as that provided by the LEAP are pretty cool, but this bracelet takes things a step further.  This bracelet uses accelerometers to measure the motion of your arm, as well as devices to measure electrical impulses of your muscles, communicating this via bluetooth to provide gesture-based control of, well, anything.  It can even recognize motion of individual fingers.

Check out the video below for some examples of how this technology could be used…it’s pretty inspiring.  You can preorder this technology from MYO for $149, shipping in late 2013.

(via CNET)

Continual drop in solar energy prices – grid parity

Solar electricity is moving ever closer to grid parity, meaning the cost is comparable to existing grid supplies (coal, gas, etc).  This is a pretty significant milestone, as politics have failed (and will continue to do so) in substantially reducing CO2 emissions…but if solar becomes less expensive than fossil fuel electricity, market forces will take over where governments have failed.  A project in Spain recently achieved grid parity with a group of fourteen rooftop solar panel arrays, and in the US, a project by First Solar is producing at less cost than coal.  I think we’re moving into a new electricity marketplace, where people are going to start asking why we’re not looking at solar to cut costs, rather than asking why we should pay *more* for solar, as has been the case in past years.  I wouldn’t expect your utility bill to decrease though, as the gradual decommissioning of fossil fuel plants is not going to be cheap.  But, a big win for the environment – if we can move quickly enough on this.

Also in solar energy news, the world’s largest solar thermal plant, being built in California, recently passed a big test proving that it’s ready to enter commercial service.  Solar thermal technology is significant as the thermal energy it collects can be stored to provide energy when there’s a shortage of sunlight (cloudy days, or at night).

Minimalist snowshoes

tslsymbiozI’ve become a big proponent on barefoot or minimalist running, due largely to the blog Barefoot Inclined.  The snow of winter though has sapped much of my motivation and my Xero Shoes have sat mostly unused.  Which explains why these minimalist snowshoes really caught my eye!  They’re slim and flexible, quite unlike traditional showshoes.  I can see how these might be nice in hard packed snow or ice, but am really skeptical about their performance in light Colorado powder.  They’re not for sale yet, and probably won’t be until next winter, from TSL Outdoor.

(via gizmag)

i’m Watch smartwatch

imwatch-made-in-italyThere’s a new smartwatch on the market, called the i’m Watch.  Starting at $349, it acts as an extension of your smartphone, much like the Pebble Smartwatch was designed to be.  One cool feature it has though is a speakerphone!  The rest is as you’d expect – SMS messages, e-mail, appointments, etc.  There are some nice potential fitness applications, too, though from what I saw they seem a bit underdeveloped  (for example, GPS tracking appeared lacking).

What’s really interesting here is how this and the Pebble watch are both entering the market a bit rough but seem to have promise.  It’s generally accepted that Apple is looking into this market…which in itself means nothing, but you look at the level these watches are at and they’re really close to where Apple would probably need the technology to be.  I’d bet good money we see an iWatch hit the market in 2013.  Whether or not that happens though, this is a market that is definitely heating up and we’ll see many more companies enter it this year.

Oh, and as for the Pebble…I was one of the early pre-orders on Kickstarter though I’m still waiting to receive my watch.  Once I do, expect a full review here!

In-home hydroponic garden (concept)

nano-garden-1.jpeg.492x0_q85_crop-smartShown here is a pretty slick concept for an in-home hydroponic garden designed by Hyundai.  At this point it’s just a concept, but I’ll admit it has me thinking about designing and building something like this myself.  Hydroponics are nothing new, but what this concept does is make it look good, like something you don’t feel the need to hide away in your basement.

(via Treehugger)

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