We all know that in 1906, a large earthquake, followed by a devastating fire, destroyed about 80% of San Francisco. Fortunately for history, a few days before the quake, someone strapped a camera to the front of a cablecar and created a twelve minute video of Market Street, a video that included sound. It’s really cool to look back in time like this on a very busy city, one that was to be changed forever in just a few days. I find the cars especially fascinating…the way they weave and dart around the horse-drawn wagons and each other reminds me of how people drive in less developed countries these days. Check out the video below.
Google Contact Lens
Google is working on a contact lens with electronics embedded that can monitor your glucose level and alert you to troublesome reading via your smartphone or perhaps using LEDs in the lens itself. This isn’t the first ‘smart’ contact lens we’ve seen (see this previous AR contact lens post), but is a really cool application and a way to use what is actually very simple technology to make a significant impact on peoples’ quality of life. You can read more about it at FastCompany.
How to stop credit card offers in the mail
Most of us are inundated with credit card offers in our daily mail, that just get redirected to the garbage can. It turns out there’s a way to stop most of them. The big three credit bureaus (TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian) are the ones selling your name and credit details to the credit card companies…so cut this off at the source, and the only offers you’ll be receiving are from credit card companies you already do business with. Go to the OptOutPrescreen website to either opt out for five years electronically, or opt out forever by mail-in forms. Yeah, the fact that they make you mail in a form to opt out forever is pretty lame, but just goes to show that they don’t want you to do this….your personal credit information is valuable!
Oh, and if you’re trying to collect mounds of paper for some reason, you can actually Opt IN at that same website. Yeah, like that’s really going to happen.
Thanks, LifeHacker, for this tip!
How to open a bottle of wine…using a shoe!
I didn’t believe this was possible, but…you can apparently open a bottle of wine using just a shoe (without breaking the glass)?! I recall loaning out our corkscrew when camping before…this is a good trick to remember for occasions like that.
Why are solar systems flat?
Ever wonder why our solar system, and those we’ve observed so far, are mostly flat? This cool video gives you a quick explanation.