Beef: the most environmentally harmful animal product

PNAS-beef-animal-productsBad news for beef lovers.  Another study has shown that the most environmentally harmful animal in the American diet is beef.  Compared to pork, poultry, or eggs in a per-calorie comparison, beef  was worse in every measure – water, land, fertilizer.  It’s useful information for those who are considering cutting meat from their diet for environmental reasons…a huge first step would be to just minimize how much beef and dairy you consume.  There’s no way I’m cutting beef out of my diet entirely…I’m too much of a steak lover for that!  Including more poultry and pork looks like a good move though.

Read more at TreeHugger: Scientists identify the most environmentally harmful animal product in the American diet : TreeHugger.

Word Crimes – Weird Al Yankovic

Al’s got a bunch of new songs out, and my favorite so far is “Word Crimes”, addressing society’s growing indifference to using proper grammar.  It’s not limited to just teens and texting, either…misplaced apostrophes are disturbingly common on restaurant menus and many other places.  Check it out below.

Last day to speak up in favor of Net Neutrality!

UPDATE!  Comment period extended until Friday 7/18!

Today Friday is the last day the FCC will take public comments on proposed regulations regarding the concept of Net Neutrality (check out this video by Jon Oliver if you’re not familiar with the issue).  Please please please, send them a message that Net Neutrality is something we care about and demand!  Gizmodo wrote up a nice set of instructions which I’m going to copy and past here (original link here):

Step one: Visit and find the proceeding with the title “Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet.” It should be the one on top and should also have over 20,000 filings in the last 30 days.

Step Two: Click the proceeding number “14-28.” You can also try to click this direct link, though it might not work every time. This will take you to the FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing System. It looks a little janky, but hey, the government built it.

Step Three: Fill out the form. Write about your feelings. Express your concerns. Air your grievances. Provide your real name and address. Hope for the best.

Step Four: Click “Continue” and make sure you like what you wrote. If you don’t you can modify your comment. If you do, click “Confirm.”

Comments are being accepted until midnight tonight (July 15th).  Right now, the website is acting a bit flaky, but don’t give up.  This is a really important issue that will shape our digital lives in the years to come.  You’ve already paid once for internet access…without net neutrality, you will have to pay again (indirectly) to access the content you want.  You’ll have to pay to access the internet, and internet companies will have to pay internet providers to allow you to access their content at the same speeds as you can other content on the ‘net.  It’s a horrible path to go down.

There’s also a great guide to the comment system over at the Consumerist.

Guided .50-caliber bullets

exacto projectile_144DARPA’s Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance (EXACTO) program recently completed its first successful life-fire test demonstration, where it actually worked!  Check out the video below to see it in action.  How does it work?  Beats me, and DARPA being who they are, they’re not exactly providing a lot of details.  From what I can gather from the project’s website, the bullet (can we even call it that?) has movable aerodynamic surface and is receiving guidance instruction from the firing weapon.  Pretty impressive technology.

Energica Ego electric motorcyle

energica-egoWith oil consumption facing the dual threats of concern over climate change, and uncertain availability of fossil fuels in the future (BP estimates we’ll exhaust current reserves in 53 years), electric motorcycles like this gorgeous Ego from Energica may become more and more common!  Its 11.7kWh battery provides 60-120 miles of range, and the rider can enjoy a massive 144lb-ft of torque (134hp).  There’s no gear shifting, which will further enhance reliability and ridability.   Regenerative braking is a user-configurable feature (you can even shut that off entirely); a fast charger can give you an 80% charge in 30 minutes.  At $25,000 it won’t be cheap, but I can see this being a perfect commuter vehicle in many large metropolitan areas.  Test rides are being scheduled now; the bike is making stops in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York later this money (see this link for the schedule and how to reserve a test ride).

(via Gizmag)

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