WikiLeaks reveals CIA secrets

The latest WikiLeaks data dump is all over the news today.  This time, they’ve released documents detailing the techniques the CIA uses to spy on people.  if it’s true, it’s pretty amazing how deep they’ve burrowed into our digital lives.  It covers pretty much anything you can think of…from old-school viruses and malware, to hacking of smart TVs and even cars.   Pretty much any electronic device that has a microphone, they can probably tap into and listen in.

This is the sort of thing that people used to dismiss as crazy conspiracy theories.  Times have changed, huh?!

Read more about it at Wired, TechCrunch, and the AntiMedia.

Bars for Geeks in the US!

There’s a cool list of 10 must-visit bars for geeks in the US, check out the video here or the list underneath.  As you might expect, many (but not all) offer arcade games!  Time for a road trip!

1 UP Arcade (Lodo & Colfax, CO)
Photo Credit: J.MIMNA Photography

Little Trouble (Atlanta, GA)
Photo Credit: Little Trouble

Smuggler’s Cove (San Francisco, CA)
Photo Credit: Smuggler’s Cove

Emporium (Chicago, IL)
Photo Credit: Emporium

The Lovecraft Bar (Portland, OR)
Photo Credit: The Lovecraft Bar

Eighty-Two (Los Angeles, CA)
Photo Credit: Eighty-Two

Donnie Dirk’s Zombie Den (Minneapolis, MN)
Photo Credit: Zombie Den

42 Lounge (Milwaukee, WI)
Photo Credit: Bokeh Effect

Safehouse (Milwaukee, WI)
Photo Credit: Safehouse

Ground Kontrol (Portland, OR)
Photo Credit: Ground Kontrol

Handle, from Boston Dynamics

Say hello to Boston Dynamics‘ latest robotic creation, Handle.  A bipedal, wheeled ‘bot with some impressive stats…the ability to negotiate most terrain (including stairs), jump four feet, travel up to 9mph, and go around 15 miles between charges.  This thing could finish a half-marathon in a very fast time…that’s pretty impressive.

Possible link between sugar consumption and Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists in England have a found a possible link between excessive sugar consumption, and Alzheimer’s disease.  It’s not that sugar is suspected to cause Alzheimer’s, but rather that excess sugar in the body interferes with the body’s normal immune response to a build-up of abnormal proteins in the brian that clump and lead to Alzheimer’s.  Not that we really need any more reasons to avoid sugar, right?!  But this is yet another…

As I teach my daughter, ‘sugar is poison’.  Our bodies can handle it to some degree…life is too short to avoid Girl Scout cookies entirely…but it’s not good to subject our bodies to too much.

You can read more about the study in the journal Nature.

Great picture from SpaceX

SpaceX recently stuck another barge landing of their Falcon 9 rocket after launching another satellite into space.  Kinda weird that this amazing technology is starting to feel routine!  This landing though was a bit different…they captured this amazing photograph, with the sun nicely blocked by the rocket.  Click on the image for a larger size.  I’m anticipating their office printers running like crazy these days as all the employees print this out for their cubicle walls…

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