Mazda, you should be ashamed of yourself. To take the timeless Seuss classic ‘The Lorax’ and pervert it to suit your marketing neeeds…this sets a new low. The Lorax speaks for the trees and against mass consumption and consumerism. Early reviews of the movie are equally depressing, with the original environmental message mostly missing. I’ll admit that I haven’t seen it yet…with what I’ve heard so far, I’m reluctant to spend the money to see it in a theater and will wait for it to be available in iTunes instead.
One encouraging sign though, is that on YouTube, Mazda’s commercial has an overwhelming negative review so far (90% negative votes!). This is corporate green-washing at its worst. Don’t fall for it. These 4th graders can see the truth, can you?
Palm Oil Biodiesel – not green
The EPA has ruled that biodiesel made from palm oil does not meet US standards for being defined as a renewable fuel, due primarily to the fact that the palm plantations are often created by clearing out the rainforest that once thrived there. It’s a nice reminder that when you see something being touted as eco friendly or using tagwords like this ‘biodiesel’, we need to look at the whole picture and not just accept it as green (this can be a form of greenwashing – tricky marketing to make you think that something is eco-friendly when it isn’t).