Samsung smartwatch

galaxygearleadSo Samsung unveiled their ‘Galaxy Gear‘ smartwatch today (it’ll be for sale sometime later this year).  I don’t know why, but I’m just, well, underwhelmed.  It’s sleek but big, blocky, and ugly.  I think that’s what strikes me though…that large, flat screen is just hard to make fit in on your wrist IMO.  Adding a camera to it was a strange move and one that I think people won’t readily accept (privacy concerns).  Engadget has an in-depth review here if you want to know more (TechCrunch has a good article on this too).

I think a curved screen is going to be necessary to make smart watches ‘fit in’ on your wrist….otherwise it just looks weird.  I stopped using my Pebble once the novelty wore off…though that’s partly due to the limit apps available for it…it just wasn’t a very smart watch, frankly!  I think Samsung has really left the door wide open for Apple to swoop in and dominate this market…

Gravity – movie trailer

I don’t think I’ve ever posted a movie trailer to this blog before…few have captured my attention enough to warrant that.  This trailer for the upcoming movie Gravity though…wow.  Intense.  Can’t wait to see it (10/4/13 release date!)!

How to live with Introverts

how_to_live_with_introverts_by_schrojones-d4tfoyoI found this cool infographic (created by Schroeder Jones) over at Laughing Squid; click the thumbnail for a full size version.  I find it pretty much spot-on, at least from an interovert’s point of view.  If you’re not one of us, you might find it a fascinating perspective and think we’re really weird.  Don’t worry, us introverts won’t be offended, we think extroverts are really weird too.

I’ve been traveling to China a bit this year, and find it mentally very relaxing.  I think this infographic helps shed some light on that.  China is such a foreign country that there’s very little expectation of social contact of any meaningful sort apart from what I initiate.  Hotel staff is friendly but that’s just casual ‘hellos’ and I move on.  I can move about in my hamster ball undisturbed, be a part of society without social interaction (hmm…is that technically possible?).

3D Printed Gun stirs up controversy…and idiocy

Not surprisingly, people are freaking out about the 3D Printed Gun design that was released a few days ago.  The US State Department sent a cease and desist letter to the person who posted the plans online, demanding that they be removed.  He complied (though has hired a lawyer to fight this), but to even make such a request shows incredible ignorance of the information age we live in.  The plans were downloaded around one million times and are available elsewhere online.  Governments cannot suppress information…to attempt to do so is futile.   Lawmakers in California and other areas of the country are trying to ban 3D printed gun technology.  Meanwhile, efforts to implement mandatory background checks for gun purchases have failed in Congress.  So, you can’t print your own single-shot gun that might explode in your hands when you try to use it and at has horrible accuracy, but it’s OK to go buy an AR-15 with high capacity magazine, armor piecing rounds, and body armor.  Does anyone else see the lunacy in this?

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