Hour of Code

There’s a concept getting a lot of press these days, the ‘Hour of Code‘.  The idea is to get everyone to learn just a little bit of programming, to help them realize how this is something that anyone could do.  It’s a nice idea, and is true…the coding is just using tools…the trick is the creativity behind it, and that’s something that is not really taught.   The goal is to have 10 million people participate in this…something I think is pretty easily attainable.  Who knows, maybe the next Google or Facebook will get its start during this effort!

Apple’s getting in the act by offering free ‘Hour of Code Youth Workshops‘ at local Apple stores.  You could also check out a new app from Codecademy to help teach basic coding using your iPhone.

Package delivery by drone

Amazon showed off a technology it’s working on for those customers who really need their package RIGHT NOW – delivery by automated drone aircraft in about 30 minutes!  It’s not as far fetched as it sounds (for those who live close to an Amazon distribution center) and certainly presents a ton of issues to work out (liability and safety primarily).  It’s not ready launch (ha ha) yet…but could be a reality in a few years.

Pencil: a new take on the iPad stylus

20131114-PENCIL-STYLUS-055edit-660x440I’m already a big fan of Paper, the note/sketch app from FiftyThree.  Now they’ve introduced their own ideal stylus to go with their app, and at first glance I’m impressed.  It’s double ended…flip it over to erase, for example…and that feature is what caught my eye the most.  Construction is either aluminum or walnut, a nice touch.  It’s not a passive stylus like most…there are switches embedded inside to assist with this functionality.  I really want to test it out for myself so I’ve ordered one.  Once it arrives (2-3 weeks, per their website), I’ll post a full review here with a comparison to your typical passive or ‘dumb’ stylus.  I’ll also be posting reviews of some other products I’ve been using the past few months (or more) that I think would make good Christmas gifts for the geek on your list.  Or for yourself!

Read more at Wired, or preorder from FiftyThree ($50 for aluminum, $60 for wood).

Cameras on Animals

A couple days back I saw a video taken by a camera strapped to the back of an eagle.  Very cool, but I doubted the authenticity of it.  I’ve been watching more and more sites post that video since then, and it’s looking like it’s the real deal, so I’m posting it here as it really is pretty cool (even if it does end up being a hoax!).

That got me thinking about all the other ‘cameras on animal’ videos I’ve seen…and I’m including some of the best below.  Starting with one favorite, a camera strapped to a dog with the video set to a great song (Hearts by Johnny Neon, if you’re curious).  If you’re looking to make your own pet videos, the camera of choice is definitely the GoPro.

Dog at dog park:

Here’s one strapped to the back of a Peregrine Falcon:

For you cat lovers, here’s one, a bit corporate (made by Friskies) but still very good:

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