Amazon has entered the TV set-top fight with their new Fire TV, a small box with most of the features rumored to be coming in the next AppleTV – voice control (the remote has a mic), apps, and a heavy emphasize on gaming (well done, Amazon, for beating Apple to the market with this!). You can read more about it at Engadget or pick one up for $99 at Amazon today.
What to tell your kids when others call them a nerd
In this video, Wil Wheaton offers some of the best advice I’ve heard for kids who are being called nerds or otherwise made fun of at school. The video itself is a bit old but worth watching for any kid going through this at school. Perhaps the best quote:
“When a person makes fun of you, when a person is cruel to you, it has nothing to do with you. It’s not about what you said. It’s not about what you did. It’s not about what you love. It’s about them feeling bad about themselves.”
Wil recently commented on this video on his website, including some quotes from the parents of the kid who asked him this question.
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Freeze your credit
Getting a new credit card is really easy for those with decent credit. Same goes for buying a new car. This convenience comes at a price – the risk of identify theft, where other people pretend to be you to open up credit accounts such as these. Fortunately, there’s a little-known tool available to consumers to protect them, and it’s called a Security Freeze. Once enabled, this makes your credit report visible only to companies you already do business with. It’s safe to say that no one will open a new account for someone pretending to be you without first viewing your credit report! It’s a great tool to help prevent identify theft and the financial frustrations that can come with that.
What’s the catch? Well the catch is, the big three credit reporting agencies don’t really want you to do this, as they’re in the business of helping banks open new accounts, by providing them with consumers’ credit reports upon request. Fortunately, governments in various states and federal levels have put enough pressure on them to at least enable this feature…though if you ever do wish to apply for new credit, you’ll need to ‘thaw’ your credit report which may cost around $30-40 (depends on what state you live in, some let you do it for free) and may take a week or so, causing delays for any new credit accounts. Small price to pay for the peace of mind this provides though.
I found the process of adding a Security Freeze to be pretty simple, and it could all be done online in a minutes. Follow the links below, and as part of the process you’ll either receive or create a PIN…be sure to keep this number somewhere safe, for you’ll need it to thaw your credit report later on. You’ll need to set up a Security Freeze with each of the three credit reporting companies: Equifax, Experian, and Transunion (click those links for direct links to their Security Freeze websites). You can also read more about this in this article at the NYTimes.
Internet-based TV on the way?
Good news for those wishing for the death of traditional are currently being struck between various companies that allow for internet-based distribution of TV content. The latest is between Dish Network and Disney, with Verizon and DirecTV also rumored to be pursuing similar content deals. This means a potential end to the near-monopoly of cable companies and increased competition in the marketplace. It also opens the door for Apple to move their AppleTV past the ‘hobby’ stage into a disruptive force in that market (or so I hope). Read more over at Engadget.
The hoverboard is here! Ok, not really…I’m sure this is just some viral marketing campaign and I’m just helping them out by posting this video…but they did a really good job of making a realistic product launch video of the hoverboard from Back to the Future, even have a nice website to promote it. This is certainly a fake…but a very nicely done one. Promoting what, I wonder?