The rise of ocean levels

Check out this chart (from…while at first glance it shows the rise in ocean levels over the past twenty years, more importantly, it shows how when it comes to climate, you need to look at multi-year trends, not what’s happening in one particular year.  This chart shows that ocean levels actually decreased in 2010-2011, and if you only looked at that fact, you might think that there’s no cause for alarm.  However, look at the longer trend and you’ll see a very different story.

Oh, as for WHY the ocean levels dropped…that period coincided with a strong La Niña effect which temporarily shifted more than normal water from the ocean to the continents (via rainfall), a short-term effect that was canceled out once that water finished making its way back to the oceans.

Climate Change News

I’ve seen a number of interesting articles regarding climate change in the news lately, so figured I’d just sum them up in a single post.   As always, follow the links for the full stories.

First, the World Bank has issued a report (PDF link) that finds a very high chance of hitting an average warming of 4°C by the end of this century…twice the international ‘goal’ of 2°C.  The report goes into details of why this is bad, but chances are if you’re reading this you already believe it’s bad…what is significant here is that yet another scientific report is showing we’re making too little progress towards combating climate change, and are leaving a pretty messed up world for future generations. (full article at the Washington Post).  It’s also worth noting that while the impacts of a 2°C rise have been studied quite a bit, the same scientific scrutiny has not been applied to a 4°C rise.  They conclude that, “Given that uncertainty remains about the full nature and scale of impacts, there is also no certainty that adaptation to a 4°C world is possible.”  Think about that.

Our neighbors in Canada are feeling a bit better about global warming, as it’s not expected to impact them as negatively (or other northern countries like Russia).  (link)  The warmer temperatures could even have some benefits…more tourism and increased food production, for example.

In Iowa, more than 130 scientists from Iowa colleges and universities have pointed out the obvious…that the bad drought they experienced this year is a predicted effect of global warming, and that we can and should expect more of the same (or worse) in coming years.  (link)  I wonder if this will lead to a mass exodus of people moving from the Midwest to Canada?

In light of the news that the US is on track to be a net exporter of energy by 2020, no longer dependent on foreign oil, the IEA warns that

No more that one-third of proven reserves of fossil fuels can be consumed prior to 2050 if the world is to achieve the 2°C goal.

By pursuing energy independence via increased domestic fossil fuel production, we’re also sealing the fate of future generations.  (link)

Last, but most certainly not least, is that when you look at global average temperature, October 2012 was above average…but what’s most significant is that this was the 332nd consecutive month where the global average temperature has been at or above average.  Remember, there are local variations – some parts of the world may be cooler, some hotter – but globally, the data indicates that this planet is warming up. (link)

I’d like to wrap up this post with advice for how we can stop this, but that’s a real tough one.  I’m convinced that the only solution is to provide people with a clean energy alternative at a lower cost.  More importantly, we need action fast…which means we need a dramatically lower cost, something that makes everyone rush to adopt this new technology.  I’m not aware of any technologies that fit that requirement…and our country lacks the political will to implement change on a national level.  Any ideas?

World CO2 emissions increasing

We’re doing a lousy job of fighting global warming, despite science giving us a pretty good understanding of the impacts continuing along this current path.  Rather than cut emissions, global CO2 emissions in 2011 increased by 2.5% to a new record of 34 billion metric tons, according to Scientific American.  It’s depressing that we can’t solve this problem…but the reality is, people are more worried about themselves than future generations.  Or at least, that’ll be the case until those future generations grow up and realize who’s to blame for the mess they face.

Presidential Debates avoid climate change

It’s sad, but for the first time in 24 years, climate change wasn’t mentioned in the presidential debates.  This is an issue of growing concern to our national security and well-being, yet it’s become so incredibly polarized and political in this country that we can’t even talk about it.  That’s just plain wrong.  We need to set aside the politics and look at the facts, for this is an issue that will be harder to deal with the longer we wait.

(more on this issue here)

UPDATE: The New York Times has a great article on this subject here, too.

Climate scientists got it wrong

Climate scientists screwed up.  Predicting climate change is a tricky business, and as a result, there are many competing models that attempt to predict how global warming will impact our climate.  When it comes to arctic sea ice, they were all wrong.  Take a look at the graph here, showing actual arctic sea ice extent versus the various predictions.  It turns out that the reality is far worse than any scientists were predicting, and this should scare you.  These same models have been used to help convince people how we need to reduce CO2 emissions or face really bad consequences on a global scale…and yet…these models were too optimistic.

Think about that for a minute.

Scientists are even starting to call this a ‘planetary emergency‘.  If you don’t know why you should care, then please, at least TRUST the scientists and experts in this field of study.  The fact is, they know more than you do about this – and there’s no shame in that, it’s their job!  Don’t listen to politicians and business experts who don’t understand climate change…either become an expert yourself, or defer to those who ARE experts.  Just don’t let others interpret the results for you.  Don’t let ME interpret the results for you – read for yourself what the scientists are saying and don’t let others influence you.

(via: link1, link2)

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