Opinion: I’m a climate scientist. If you knew what I know, you’d be terrified too | CNN

If the fracturing of our once stable climate doesn’t terrify you, then you don’t fully understand it. The reality is that, as far as we know, and in the natural course of events, our world has never — in its entire history — heated up as rapidly as it is doing now. Nor have greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere ever seen such a precipitous hike.
— Read on www.cnn.com/2024/03/07/opinions/climate-scientist-scare-doom-anxiety-mcguire/index.html

‘Smoking gun proof’: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents show | Fossil fuels | The Guardian

Experts say the documents show the fossil fuel industry had intimate involvement in the inception of modern climate science, along with its warnings of the severe harm climate change will wreak, only to then publicly deny this science for decades and fund ongoing efforts to delay action on the climate crisis.
— Read on www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/30/fossil-fuel-industry-air-pollution-fund-research-caltech-climate-change-denial

Extreme example of income inequality

In the midst of global climate change protests and calls to action, we have this…the biggest collection of super yachts ever, at the annual Monaco Yacht Show. Massive resources devoted to nothing more than part time play things of those with more money than they know what to do with. Over four billion dollars worth of these behemoths. Machines consuming vast natural resources in their construction and operation.

Fixing climate change means our lifestyles will have to change….and I can’t think of any example as stark as this one.

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