Warmest March Ever

According to climate data from NOAA, our country just experienced its warmest March ever.  The average temperature was 8.6F above the average for the last century.  Precipitation was slightly above average nationwide, though concentrated in the northwest and the southern plains, with much of the rest of the country experiencing drier than average conditions and helping to contribute to ~37% of this country being in drought conditions.  Alaska, not included in these results, experienced its 10th coolest winter on record (~5F below average).

What does this mean?  Global warming is real, people.  I don’t have complete confidence in any of the models that attempt to predict how weather patterns will change, I feel it’s still too complex a system for us to analyze, but there’s no escaping the FACT that our global climate IS changing due to global warming.  In spite of that, we continue to not make serious efforts to reduce our CO2 emissions.  There are those who continue to deny the link between CO2 and global warming, and I don’t see that ever changing, unfortunately.  We’ll continue to march down this path and ruin this beautiful planet for future generations.  They’ll adapt and survive, but will live in a much different world than what we enjoy.

What can we as individuals do?  Educate those around you.  Speak up.  Reduce your own CO2 emissions and lead by example.

(via Treehugger)

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